Support us

MAPAWAY is organised by Marlies Vermeulen & Remy Kroese, the founders of the Institute of Cartopology. In 2020, we organised a festival, CORRECTIONVILLE, because we wanted to create a place that is about ‘maps’ in the broadest sense of the word. We wanted to make it attractive to a variety of people and also keep it affordable.

In 2024, we changed the name of the festival to MAPAWAY. The goal is still the same: to create a safe place where you can explore a variety of maps, from art to science, and experiment with how maps affect your perception of the environment. The two of us still organise MAPAWAY, so we constantly need help. With helping hands, but also financially. If you have tips, want to contribute or donate, let us know!

We look forward to your message and invite you to get acquainted over a coffee, halfway up the Vaalserberg. You can reach us at remy.kroese[at] or +31(0)6-19908819.