Einstein in a Tube

The underground Einstein Telescope will be Europe’s most advanced observatory for gravitational waves. It will allow researchers to hear black holes collide and gain knowledge about the early universe. The Euregio Meuse-Rhine would be an almost perfect place to connect up to 10-kilometre-long tubes in a triangle at a depth of 200 metres. In this way, waves with a special frequency are measured underground. These waves make it possible to hear the universe. But how does that work, measuring (sound) waves and vibrations, underground? At MAPAWAY, we will try to re-create an Einstein Telescope in miniature and take measurements on site. It will be a summer of hole digging, sophisticated construction and meticulous measurement to better understand how the Einstein Telescope will eventually work.



Friday 16/8 till Sunday 25/8, daily 10-18h

During March and April, a seismograph measured vibrations in the ground at the Institute of Cartopology site. It measured so precisely that you can ‘read’ the cars passing by, our presence and our visitors. This DIY-expedition learns you to read seismographs.


Sunday 25/8, 14:00h

Together with seismologist Thomas Lecocq, we set off with seismographs in our pockets, measure and map the vibrations of the Vaalserberg.


Friday 23/8 till Sunday 25/8, daily 10-18h

Three mirrors, a strong bundled beam of light and the vibrations of what goes on, on and off the site. Two hundred metres underground, the Einstein telescope must neutralise environmental vibrations. In the midst of Vaals, this (art) installation shows how difficult that is, above ground!

Einstein in a Tube is developed in close collaboration with the Royal Observatory of Belgium and financially supported by the Dutch Creative Industries Fund.

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